"Decipher is the exhibition that will focus on Thomas “Breeze” Marcus’ visual insights to large aerosol painting. These good-sized panels show magnified line work that feel like they were cut out of a larger mural and placed in this space. The new images from Breeze originate from graffiti, a world that has heavily influenced his artwork for over 15 years. Also, utilizing an inert traditional foundation Breeze’s interwoven forms closely resemble Native American(Tohono and Akimel O'odham) basket weaving. This combination profoundly impacts his style showing that he is amongst the distinguished muralists in Phoenix.
What is interesting about this body of work is the endless variety of designs. Slightly recognizable as letters yet not intentional, the organic layering of the lines gives a sense of perpetual movement. That energy, then, is illuminated with spray paint. The rich color selection amplifies the atmosphere within the black line. Here, Breeze gives the viewer a glimpse into infinity by “making something out of nothing”.
Decipher will talk about social connections. Deciphering what the line means: words, forms or figures? Trying to make sense of these multiple layers involves open thought of abstract mixed with a graffiti edge. However the work is deciphered the end result enlarges tradition in a new contemporary way. Using imagination to identify the forms becomes hours of study and entertainment.
Universal human ideas have brought this artist to stand out in the crowded streets. Breeze’s work ethic and discipline adds to the character of his style showing integrity by bringing something legitimate to painting table. This exhibit closely examines the larger painting in a smaller format.
Niba DelCastillo is a photographer from Tucson that Breeze invited to participate in Decipher. He will portray a dozen pieces that document outdoor public murals and graffiti in Phoenix. These photographs will show the importance of these large-scale paintings and their relation to the community. Visual education better defines the artists and their murals creating a better understanding of our culture. For more information on murals in our downtown neighborhoods check out: www.phxtaco.com"
-Ken Richardson
1st Studios is located near downtown right next to the historic Westward Ho. 1st Studios was the first Television studio in the valley as well as the home for the original local Wallace and Ladmo television show.